Safer Oral Sex

Let's inform ourselves on the basics on oral sex safety so we can make informed choices about where and how we use our mouths!

The bottom line: all oral contact, including kissing, can transmit infections. These STIs include chancroid, cytomegalovirus, gonorrhea, hepatitis A & B, herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV), syphilis, and, more rarely, HIV and chlamydia.

The good news! There are tools to provide protection and many people find exploring these tools opens up new possibilities for oral play!

Lorals are ultra thin sexy sheer latex panties for protection & comfort during oral sex and rimming play.

Unlubricated condoms or flavored condoms can be used for protection during blowjobs - or try non-latex condoms by Skyn for a neutral flavor and try adding a touch of your own favorite flavored lube.

Get Tested! Request STI screenings at your primary care, sexual health specialist or use at-home testing kits from (Use the code PLEASURE for $30 off your first order)

Make Safer Sex Work For You

Experiment with new safe sex tools in low-stakes situations until you know what works best for you.

Talk with each new partner about your testing history, any known infections, risk tolerance and your strategy for exploring oral sex together!

Here are some example opening lines to get your conversations started:

  • When did you last get tested? Did your testing include an oral swab?
  • Have you ever tested positive for anything before? How was that handled?
  • Is there anything I need to know about your health as we get closer?
  • Do you use condoms, dams or Lorals during oral sex?
  • I have herpes and get outbreaks every few months, I like using Lorals during oral, would that work for you?
  • I'd like to use condoms to give you blowjobs, do you have a brand that fits you particularly well or can we try some that have worked for me in the past?

Do you have any specific questions about practicing safe(r) oral sex?

Do you have any favorite tools for oral sex safety?

Use the comments below to share!

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