Explore Your Pleasure Potential

Join us for a decadent weekend immersion into your authentic erotic self, in a warm and welcoming group experience. 

Together, we’ll explore:

  • Tuning into your felt sense & inner knowing 
  • Activating your imagination & following your curiosity
  • Getting specific about your Needs, Wants & Desires
  • Expressing your erotic agency, in your own way
  • Giving & Receiving exquisite touch

You’ll be introduced to a range of Pleasure Practices designed to flex your capacities towards more Pleasure, Joy & Connection - on your own terms. 

Join Us For A Decadent Weekend Immersion

Enrollment includes the full weekend in-person immersion

& lifetime access to an online course designed to support you in continuing & integrating your explorations.

A Full Weekend Immersion:

Friday Activation: 7-9pm

Join us for a welcoming reception of introductions and playful warm-ups to Activate your Erotic Embodiment.

Saturday Immersion: 9am - 7pm

The main event! An all day experience, designed to welcome you home into your authentic erotic self. 

Sunday Integration: 10am - Noon

Bask in the glow together over brunch and be guided in creating a personalized set of Pleasure Practices to support you in carrying forward what we’ve begun to explore together!

A clothes on, hands-on experience for individuals in a collective group experience. 

No required pairing / partnered exercises - solo, small group and communal practices with many options for participation! 

Cocktail party on Friday, Light breakfast & decadent afternoon lunch feast on Saturday & Sunday brunch provided! 

Feasting together is part of the shared experience. All major allergens will be accounted for, please be in touch if you have specific dietary needs we can accommodate. 

The events on Friday and Sunday are included and encouraged, but not required to attend Saturday’s Immersion! If you are traveling from out of town, please let us know and we can provide a list of suggested accommodations, restaurants and anything else we can do to support your visit! 

Meet Your Hosts

Pleasure Mechanics Chris and Charlotte have been somatic sex educators for over 20 years, pioneering the field of Sexological Bodywork. They are trusted by a global community of over 16,000 pleasure seekers, train fellow coaches and therapists, and are known for their “Passionate Compassion” For this offering, The Pleasure Mechanics will be joined by teaching apprentice & Service Top (& resident baker!) Peter H.